According to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 13.11.75 "On the classification of Pereyaslav- Khmelnytsky oblast subordination " of the USSR Council of Ministers Decree № 517 of 21.11.75 , Decision executive committee № 457 of 11.24.75 , the Town Pereyaslav -Khmelnitsky was classified as cities of regional subordination.
Decision -fifth extraordinary session of 11.12.75 was approved staffing structure and staff of the executive committee Pereyaslav- Khmelnitsky City Council of People's Deputies . According to the approved staffing were created departments of the executive committee , including established Pereyaslav -Khmelnitsky City State Archive, which became subordinated archive of Kiev Oblast Executive Committee .
Under the act of acceptance and transfer of July 5, 1976 in the city archives were transferred to the funds of the district archives ( 12 funds in 1185 units) , the oldest of funds - since 1943, since the liberation from Nazi invaders.
The first head of state public archive was appointed Catherine V. Kirichenko (photo) - 1942 year of birth , education, secondary education (in 1965 graduated from Kyiv College Library ). Appointed head of the city archives by order of the head municipality number 232- K dated 17.11.76 , the
By the time the archive room was located in one-story building city department of social security on the street. Pans, 62. Area Archive was 12 m ², length of wooden shelving - 19 poh.m.
On 05.01.84 he deposited in the archives were 18 funds - 2565 od.zb.
01/09/84 , at the head of the municipal office archive designed Yevtyeyeva Faith Svyrydivna (photos) - ( 1943-2007 ) , the formation of secondary education ( graduated in 1963 Pereyaslav -Khmelnitsky Pedagogical School ).
In December 1988 5 funds from the municipal archives were transferred to the district archives. On 01.01.89 he deposited in the archives was located 14 funds - 2459 od.zb.
According to the Decree of the Chairman of the Executive Committee № 3/3-3 05/01/89 , at the position of the head of the municipal archive designed Andrienko G. Love ( pictured) - 1951 year of birth , education, secondary education ( in 1968 graduated from the Leningrad Radio Engineering College) .
Since 1989, the municipal archives subordinated to the State Archive of Kiev Oblast.
In July 1990, the city archives were allocated another room - on the first floor of the house on the street . School , 22nd . Archival repositories area was 18 m ², was equipped with metal shelving length 83.7 poh.m.
In April 1998, the city received a new archive room in the newly built home town club sports and technical assistance to defense companies of Ukraine ( Ukraine STK TCO ) on the street. School , 49 which is also in this time. The total area of the archive is 123.9 m ² ( area archival repositories - 58 m ², operating room 12 m ², a room for the users of archival documents - 11,7 m ²,).
Based on the decision of the executive committee Pereyaslav- Khmelnitsky city council 11/17/98 № 206-2 of the City Archives began taking documents from the personnel of enterprises and organizations, which eliminated without successors.
According to the decision of the Pereyaslav- Khmelnitsky city council number 08- 02 -ΧΧIII of 06.06.2002 "On Approval of the structure and the total number of executive city council" government renamed the city archive archive department of the city council and as head of the city government to the post archive Head of archives of the City Council.
30.01.2009 in connection with the retirement Andrienko G. Love resigned from the post of Head of Archives .
On 01.02.2009 in the archives department there were 25 funds, 5411 od.zb. persistence and funds 29 , 1116 od.zb. of personnel liquidated structures.
Resolution of the Mayor of 02.02.2009 № 11/8-01 was the chief archive of intended Andrienko Angelica M. - born 1974 , higher education ( graduated in 1996 Pereyaslav -Khmelnitsky Pedagogical Institute. GS Pans ).
In 2010, the length of storage equipment in the archives was increased by 45 poh.m and reached 188,7 poh.m.
According to the decision of the Pereyaslav- Khmelnitsky city council number 07 -18 -VI of 29.12.2011 "On approval of the structure and the total number of executive city council » Archives Department of the City Council renamed the Archives Department of the City Council.
On 01.01.2012 in the archives department there were 66 funds , 7251 case (including personnel from 1241 liquidated structures. )
In early 2012 , the total length of storage equipment in the archives was increased by 78.5 poh.m. and amounted to 267.2 poh.m.
In April 2012 one of the rooms of archives (area 6m ²), which previously used to store documents , archives have been adapted for number 2 for the storage of archival documents from personnel liquidated structures.
On 24.05.2012 the year began operating a website archives department, which is a unified electronic system "E Network archives Kyiv region ." In December 2012 Archives Department is connected to the Internet.
In 2012 deposited in the Archives Department has received 1 new fund of funds and 6 parts , 197 cases of permanent storage period , four new funds , 111 cases of personnel liquidated structures.
On 01.01.2013 in the archives department there were 71 fund, 7559 cases (including 1,352 troops from liquidated organizations. )
In early 2013 the length of storage equipment archival repositories number 1 increased by 43 poh.m.
In April 2013 according to the decision of the city council number 14 -39- VI of 25.04.2013 "On amending the structure of executive Pereyaslav- Khmelnitsky city council " in the archive department put another head unit - the main specialist to work with documents on personnel liquidated organizations. Decree № 126/8-01 Mayor of July 31, 2013 for the position intended Mynenko Lyubov , 1969 year of birth, education secondary education ( graduated in 1988 Dnipropetrovsk cultural- educational school ).
For 2013, Rick Nadiishlo: 8 parts of fonov, 177 reference posts; 13 new foundations, 3468 right from a special warehouse.
As of 01/01/2014, 84 funds, 11204 odz. (among others, 4820 in the special warehouse of lіkvdovanyh organizatsіy).
For 2014, rik nadiishlo: 10 parts of fondiv, 256 spravnyy zberіgannya; 2 new funds, 63 certificate from a special warehouse.
On 01/01/2015, in the archives, there are 86 foundations, 11,523 od zb. (among others, 4883 refer to the special warehouse of lіkvіdovih organizatsіy).
For 2015, rik nadiishlo: 8 parts of funds, 270 spravnyy zberіgannya; 2 new funds, 975 right from the special warehouse.
As of January 1, 2016, 88 foundations, 12768 items, are in archives. (among others, 5858 of the special warehouse of lіkvdovanyh organizatsіy).
For 2016, rik nadiyshlo: 10 parts of funds, 386 of the reference post; 3 new funds, 43 certificate from a special warehouse.
On 01/01/2017, 91 funds, 13197 od zb, can be found in the archives. (among others, 5901 of the special warehouse of lіkvdovanyh organizatsіy).
For 2017, rik nadiyshlo: 8 parts of funds, 229 special posts; 1 part of the fund from the special warehouse, 15 certificate and 6 new funds, 394 certificate from the special warehouse.
On 01/01/2018, in archives, there are 97 foundations, 13835 od.zb. (among others, 6310 of the special warehouse of lіkvdovanyh organizatsіy).
For 2018, 12 items of funds and 2 new funds, 328 permanent storage cases were received; 5 new funds, 53 cases of personnel.
As of 01.01.2019 there are 104 funds in the archive department, 14216 units (including 6363 cases from the personnel of liquidated organizations).